I enjoyed working on the print media for Circo Atayde. I saw so many historic performance images but they wanted me to incorporate performance images from and old news paper article. It was great show to see as well.
alawrencemedia > Portfolio > Identity
I enjoyed working on the print media for Circo Atayde. I saw so many historic performance images but they wanted me to incorporate performance images from and old news paper article. It was great show to see as well.
Used bookstore specializing in used and recycled books. The main object was to incorporate a book into the main identity image.
In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Ut nunc eros, tincidunt ut congue sed, porta sit amet libero. Aliquam rhoncus ligula quis mi tincidunt, id pretium quam ultricies. Integer congue arcu erat, et vehicula libero facilisis vitae. Nullam placerat efficitur nulla et vestibulum. Etiam interdum arcu est, sed dapibus nulla faucibus porttitor. Phasellus sem felis, tempor lacinia […]